27-31 Jul 2020 Saint-Étienne (France) - Saint-Gall (Switzerland) - Nuremberg (Germany)

Program > Program

We now propose a full program of the summer school on a separate page, with high quality keynotes and lectures provided by experienced lecturers in the different domains covered by the summer school.

Speakers and tutors

This is the list of confirmed speakers.

  • Andrei Ciortea, Post doc at University St. Gallen working on the Web of Things and Multi-agent technologies
  • Andreas Harth, Professor at University Nürnberg-Erlangen; Web of Things, KG.
  • Jomi Fred Hübner, Associate professor at Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil; Multi-agent programming, autonomous systems.
  • Tobias Käfer Post doc at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Linked Data and distributed Knowledge Graphs.
  • Matthias Kovatsch Principal Researcher at Huawei's German Research Center, Munich
  • Simon Mayer, Professor at University St. Gallen in Switzerland.
  • Marc-Oliver Pahl, Research Director at Institut Mines Télécom, Rennes; IoT, Security.
  • Dave Raggett, Former W3C Team Contact for the Web of Things and Activity Lead for the Web of Data.
  • Volker Tresp, Professor at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Distinguished Research Scientist at Siemens; Industrial Knowledge Graphs.
  • Birgit Vogel-Heuser Professor Dr-Ing. at Technische Universität München.


All lectures consist in theoretical and practical sessions covering hands-on exercises on various kinds so that you will be able to participate to the coding challenges and be ready to continue coding and integrating semantic web technologies, multi-agent systems, web of things.

Coding challenge

Participants will work in teams on a week-long coding challenge integrating technologies encompassing all topics presented at the summer school. The challenge will make use of sensors and actuators deployed in a replica of an industrial facility. Instructions to the participants will be given before the event to prepare for the challenge.

Summer School Agenda

Each day is dedicated to one of the 4 topics of the summer school and consists of a keynote speech, lectures and practical work, then application of theory to the coding challenge. At the end, each team will present the outcome of their work. Social events are planned to encourage networking and team building.

The detailed program is here

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